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Это делал Эдгар Алан По, это любили Пабло Пикассо, Оскар Уайлд, Винсент ван Гог и многие-многие другие. Все они пили абсент, модный наркотик культурной элиты на рубеже 19 и 20 веков. Сегодня же ядовито-зеленый полынный ликер снова "на коне". Но что же стоит за его нехорошей славой?

Название этого напитка происходит от французского "absinthe" – полынь. Зимой нередко в Европе его добавляют в качестве пряности в глинтвейн.

Создается впечатление, что этот ярко-зеленый ликер имеет множество лиц, но что же скрывается за ним на самом деле? Консультант в солидном магазине обязательно скажет вам, что в основе абсента лежит полынь. Из травы получают "туйон" – активное вещество абсента, обеспечивающее известный эффект.

Туйон содержится в горькой полыни (Artemisia absinthum) и родственных ей растениях, причем оно настолько горькое, что в чистом виде добровольно никто употребить его не решится.

Поэтому туйон используется в абсенте, разбавленный и дополненный множеством других трав, причем существует немало различных рецептов приготовления этого крепкого напитка.

Пресловутый наркотик для художников

Широкую известность абсент получил в период европейской "Прекрасной эпохи" (Belle Epoque) – которая продолжалась с 1880-х по 1914 год, т.е. до начала Первой мировой войны.

Существуют различные способы пития абсента. Так, например, в некоторых заведениях этот крепкий напиток подают в соответствии с временем года – либо с шампанским, либо с горячим глинтвейном.

Знатоки утверждают, что он имеет возбуждающее и даже афродизирующее действие. Но сам по себе абсент ни в коем случае не заслуживает той дурной славы, которая тянется за ним из былых времен. Чтобы после абсента возник галлюциногенный эффект, для взрослого мужчины нужно выпить его не менее бутылки в чистом виде.

Известные художники, как Ван Гог, Шарль Бодлер или Тулуз-Лотрек были настроены именно на этот эффект, чтобы получить соответствующее вдохновение. И Хемингуэй тоже очень любил абсент, правда, пил его более изысканно: Он всегда разбавлял его значительным количеством шампанского. Список известных любителей абсента можно продолжать и продолжать, даже учитывая лишь тех, кто потреблял его в чистом виде.

"Абсентизм" в период "Прекрасной эпохи"

А ведь "Прекрасная эпоха" была не только "прекрасной", это было и время нужды и нищеты промышленных и прочих рабочих, потерявших работу. И крепкий ликер оказался самым лучшим утешителем: Цена его нередко была дешевле вина, а то, что было на самом деле алкоголизмом, "друзья полыни" стали называть скромно: "абсентизм".

Медики считали абсент причиной помешательств и эпилептических припадков. Поэтому уже в начале 20 столетия в Швейцарии, Франции и Германии абсент оказался под запретом. Приверженцы абсента считают, что отчасти причиной этого стало то, что абсент смешивали с некачественным метиловым спиртом. Именно поэтому, уверены они, возникло и заблуждение, что употребление абсента ведет к слепоте. Кроме того, в те времена совершенно не регулировалось количества содержания туйона, максимальный уровень которого сегодня регламентирован 35 миллиграммами. Поэтому о "ядовитости" абсента в наше время говорить не стоит.

"Зеленая фея", как еще называют абсент из-за его цвета, полностью реабилитирована. Но не следует забывать, что напиток с 75-процентным содержанием алкоголя требует к себе особого отношения, не допускающего легкомыслия.

"Зеленая фея" считается культовым напитком

Кстати говоря, изначально абсент был "открыт" сведущими в медицине швейцарцами. Затем рецепт попал в руки некоего господина Пернода, который и основал небольшую винокурню, производившую исключительно абсент. А после запрета абсента это предприятие переключилось на производство анисовой водки пастис.

Сегодня абсент имеет статус культового напитка: Для него разработаны специальные стаканы и специальные инструменты, похожие на ложечку для торта с дырочками, через которые кусочек рафинада отдает ликеру сладость своих капель. А если абсент медленно разбавить ледяной водой, он приобретет молочнисто-опаловый зеленый оттенок.


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On top of that, be certain you dont compress them or set weighty things over it.it equipments of tents are already north face outlet cincinnati in superior general overall performance and dependability,these are quite possibly the most well-known equipments within the entire world.Generally, it retains you elegant and dry while you are continuing on your own journey.Adapt to your improvements from the wintertime weather with the north face Reversible Mercurial Jacket Mens from khaki north face down.Offered in black and chocolate brown, few this coat using your favorite set of boot cut denims and UGG boots, or slip on your cutest set of black skinny pants and metallic flats to get a glimpse north faces outlet that warms your heart--both physically and fashionably! This will crack the fragile feathers.it's greater than 40 yrs,it generate the outside clothing and also equipments.Have it in your mind that your jacket might be supporting a wide array of things to do nevertheless the north face store following the traits, Denim fleece north face jackets may be your selection.This jacket is actually a technically innovative reversible jacket that keeps you wildly warmer or cooler dependant upon the way you dress in it.Now that we have checked out a completely new tackle a basic condition, we are getting issues away from the pea coat glance, and around towards the puffy jacket finished right, it's time to search into the north face jackets. You'll want to abide by these cleansing and storage recommendations to be able to continue to keep your north face arctic parka safe and operating for just a longer timeframe!It is just a mid-weight jacket which can be worn itself or being an insulating layer.Owning mentioned that, a while the rate north face outlets chicago may just be brushed aside if you ever hook up with an wonderful Northern Experience Pockets revenue.When worn while using the silver aspect out, the Reversible Mercurial Jacket reflects almost 40 to 50 percent extra of the sun's rays, when compared to the absorbing black facet.This amazing coat features a feminine, additional thick cinch on the midsection, in excess of sized double berkeley outlet north face breasted buttons, and detachable hood, while nonetheless retaining 'Heat seeker' eco-insulation for a slight nod to the common puffy coat appear.


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Just a business that is been deep into effectiveness apparel for north face apex kids increased than four many years would reduce snooze above safeguarding your elbows and shoulders, however, if you realize this manufacturer, you are aware of that prime climbers, runners, snowboarders, skiers, and bikers count on this kind of determination, whilst the rest on the world's every day beginner athletes get to edge.north face coats understand that you'll be someone who's mindful of her looks, and want north face bionic sale to seem great and fashionable, even within the snowy winters.It is actually heading to guidance you transmit all of the products that you choose to just have to have through the night time of escapade.The women's jacket is hooded and produced of Polartec 300 fleece for maximum comfort and heat.Once you desire to buy energetic gear, you will find a whole lot of choices to sift by way of. Opened by aspiring alpine ski racer Douglas Tompkins and his spouse Susie, the stores were named "the north face" to suggest the type of gear they bought: fierce! From the Northern Hemisphere, the north face of a mountain can be the coldest, iciest, and toughest to climb.north face Denali jackets are an all-around winter outerwear.Its high-quality is tested amongst the good makes which may be fantastic for climbing.The zipper is a sturdy materials too, and that i have not at all had clearance the north face jackets snagging challenges with it.Whether he realizes it or not, he is instructing his kids the best way to endure and conquer road blocks. Other bag makers should to take be aware of the north face Terra 40, to find out an instance north face fleece jackets women clearance of the superb, but economical backpack.north face Expedition Tents encompass the 2 Meter Dome, Himalayan forty seven, Expedition 36, VE twenty five and Mountain twenty five.It really is really worth paying out the funds on a high-quality set of gloves to take care of your fingers heat, as cold palms can spoil your day.Their model logos found out in just about each key sport which speaks how significantly they have long gone by the use of from what it started for a essential retail retail store.It does not matter irrespective of whether you are hiking, catching a quick beer in a pub, or huddling down from a storm, this north face apex bionic heather item can be a outstanding addition for your personal wardrobe and equipment checklist.


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In case your jackets get moist as a result of some rationale, spot them in mild sunlight north face fleece jacket for girls and allow them to dry the natural way.When you are someone who enjoys investing time outdoor, climbing or tenting, or simply looking at your youngster taking part in football or soccer you currently identify how essential the correct outfits is.From a vary of adjustable hood to get a specific slot in foul climate to detachable fall hood for yourself to eliminate on warmer days, not simply do they supply relaxed carrying, but in addition capture the eyes.Perform the tartan-wearing search whilst you stay heat and dry in 600-fill goose down and watertight, breathable 2-layer HyVent coating; additionally, you'll have no insufficient destinations to place points thanks to the greater than 7 utility pockets.The double-breasted fashion keeps the north face womens vest sale things typical, whilst awesome quilt-inspired detailing can make for any exceptional, but multipurpose design. Your jackets wont get broken except these are exposed to dampness and dazzling daylight for extended periods.Additionally, it features of the Climbing Faculty patch around the correct chest.From initial line north face Denali Fleece Jackets to Gore Tex, their water resistant north face fuzzy fleece technology remarkably recommented in social mazagines.This jacket includes the built-in Recco avalanche rescue reflector growing your probability of rescue just after an avalanche.Plus, because this puppy's lined with insulation, you will definitely maintain warm without the bulk you might get from the down jacket. In case you put your garments in harsh sunlight the down feathers shall drop their north face shorts sale oil and this will adversely affect the usefulness of your jackets.It may possibly be worn by nearly everyone and it will allow for relieve of mobility.Even more, while you are under no circumstances considerable, you may get just what the heck is retained just right after completely everybody variations outside, that will will conserve you some large income.Additional benefits include things like detachable powder skirt, hook-and-loop adjustable cuffs, pant-a-locks, adjustable hem process as well as a buddy raise clip.We really like this great casual blend, which can be entirely topped off north face men sale having a slight sheen that offers the coat a hint of Ed Hardy type with no going overboard.


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Polartec Wind Pro In case you use conventional fleece you the north face womens jackets on clearance know that the wind can cut down perfect by it.north face understands that not everybody is ready to forgo a week of groceries to personal a jacket.largely as it had interesting areas to put her cellular telephone, calculator and drinking water bottle.You are able to obtain two hand pockets as well as a remaining napoleon chest pocket close to where can i buy the north face jackets cheap the jacket for storing necessities.It is possible to anticipate your north face Denali jacket to final to get a number of yrs. Pull the catch from the foundation from the back procedure, and you may well slide the shoulder straps up and all the way down to regulate to your again duration.North manufactures three primary kinds of tents: Expedition, 3-season and Ultralight tents.Closing but not least will probably be north face apex zeitgeist the niece who lives with us.You are going to discover quite a few merchants that promote this product or service round the web.Chances are you'll pay a visit to your local sporting retail shop or look all over on the net, though the trouble will be the identical: no technique to advise how an merchandise goes to execute when you are out in the elements. Recycled Polartec three hundred Series fleece would make this hoodie and Denali jacket eco-friendly, just heat ample, and very north face apex bionic temperature rating useful.Not all usual washing equipment agitating in cycles is nice in your jackets.Final year I was in Minnesota at Dying Clutch operating with Brock Lesnar.There is certainly a superior choice than waiting patiently for an end-of-the-season sale! A north face Outlet shop should help you to knowledge a north face jacket with a great deal a lot less of the dent within your financial institution account.You can give you the option to shop really a great deal any time from the year with over the internet suppliers and obtain that you just merely cheap womens north face can save many money on north face Jackets.


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They are really not unattractive and free, like most other jackets, which cause you to present up the north face outlet store human body extra fat and brief.north face provide garments for men inside climbing using high quality in large engineering,there are various kinds for them also.In case the sellers personal numerous pockets, we will worry advertising these folks from the very minimal marketing selling prices even if to become certain that we are able to set up with decline.The durable hood is absolutely adjustable with hidden north face outlet store woodburn oregon wire locks and a laminated brim.Readily available in just about each and every color--from pink to orange, sky blue to lime inexperienced, this slim coat unquestionably Faces a bit some thing for everybody. These jackets are made exquisitely to provide a classy, innovative glimpse, even whilst at specifically the precise identical time, acquiring your drive field in opposition to your chilly.north face,the out of doors design was launched in 1968 inside San Francisco,Florida.Put simply, a bit additional next on from your everyday 12 months or so would likely make it easier to trim price every one of the way down.Storage choices over the Heathen jacket contain two north face outlet philadelphia alpine chest pockets that open up up to allow for venting, and an internal storage pocket.Pair this incredible selection with black leggings and pleasurable wintertime boots, and you may undoubtedly be set for just about any type of weather conditions that arrives your way. You'll find jackets for men, women and youngsters, and all of these may perhaps be north face outlet woodburn oregon ordered on the internet.One excellent outfits item that is certainly iFace for everyone in the loved ones is north face jackets.In that circumstance when could possibly the majority of people look for that prospect? On-line! Absolutely, it truly is only a pretty fantastic web site to uncover the data and info immediately.A hideaway hem cinch cord tightens this north face shell about your midsection to block out wind, rain, and snow.Jacket will be the which the coat length is brief, the upper body is free, restricted freeport north face outlet bracelet cuffs and restricted downswing.


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